
The Brighton Triad

The Triads are a combination of technology and prayer. An Audio Visual Experience forming a tripartite expression of and magical vehicle for Cosmic Love tapping into the nature of continuous growth and regeneration by drawing three tarot cards especially for each event. These drawn cards, acting as Pathways , will be placed to form a triad of energy which will correspond to and link three Egyptian deities on the Egyptian Star of Life system . Each Triad, held by a tripartite divine energy focus and expressed by three aspects of human consciousness will operate as an energy vehicle to promote and expedite the message and meaning of this path working. Using generative approaches such as Stable Diffusion we will generate text, music and visuals in order to channel this magical vehicle seeded by each triad composed of three cards. This body of work will eventually produce a system of all 21+ Triads to be discovered in this ancient software.

The Triad of the intelligence of moisture -

This Triad was drawn from Cairo while the COP27 event was taking place in the face of political upheaval in Egypt- Even the internet was shut down making it difficult for communications between Cairo and London. The importance of Lake Nasser came through very strongly through the priniciple and energy of Nephyts the only goddess involved in this triad. Lake Nasser is a manmade lake in Egypt which caused technology to take precedence over prayer.

The Drowned Man, Temperance, Death or the Moon. This particular triad is formed by two inner triads (the triads of Inundation and Drought) that hinge upon the interchanging paths of the Moon (the path of life-blood) and Death (the path of destruction). These triads invoke the qualities of the Goddess Nephtys (goddess of shadow) and her father Geb (the great slumbering Earth God), her lover Osiris (the bright son of Geb), and her husband Set (the dark son of Geb).

Deep drone performed by La Horrox and Psychotronic member Leslie Claire will guide the first time this particular triad will be performed.


The Berlin Triad